MMC Error CSLID: FX:{18ea3f92-d6aa-41d9-a205-2023400c8fbb}
เป็นใน windows 2008 ขึ้นว่า MMC could not create the snap-in CSLID: FX:{18ea3f92-d6aa-41d9-a205-2023400c8fbb}
This problem occurs if the .Net Framework 3.0 feature is not enabled and an update for .net framework 3.5SP1 is installed (which could be through the windows update or through a deployment tool).
The command removes the entries added in the machine.config during Framework updates.
To fix the problem, run the following command:
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\WFServicesReg.exe /r /b
After running the command enable the feature .net framework 3.0 under Add features in Server Manager.
If these steps do not alleviate the issue, carry out the following steps to replace the Machine.config file with a known good version:
1. Navigate to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\CONFIG
2. Rename Machine.config to Machine.config.old
3. Copy Machine.config from a known good server.