Excel 2010 เมนู ribbon หาย

ให้ กด Ctrl+F1 เรียกว่า Collapse the Ribbon ใน Excel 2019 – 2013 หรือ Minimize the Ribbon ใน Excel 2010 และ 2007

ถ้าไม่หายให้ลองลบ option Excel ใน Registry

Express Auto Backup like VSS


					mkdir c:\expresstools
rem mkdir e:\expresstools
cd c:\expresstools
rem cd e:\expresstools

schtasks /create /f /sc ONSTART /tn "Express Backup Daily Autoupdate" /tr "cmd.exe /C \"%~dp0bkexpvssd.bat\" -log" /ru SYSTEM /delay 0000:10
rem schtasks /create /f /sc ONSTART /tn "Express Backup Daily Autoupdate" /tr "cmd.exe /C \"E:\expresstools\bkexpvssd.bat\" -log" /ru SYSTEM /delay 0000:10
schtasks /create /f /sc WEEKLY /d FRI /st 17:05 /tn "Express Backup Weekly Autoupdate" /tr "cmd.exe /C \"%~dp0bkexpvssw.bat\" -log" /ru SYSTEM
rem schtasks /create /f /sc WEEKLY /d FRI /st 17:05 /tn "Express Backup Weekly Autoupdate" /tr "cmd.exe /C \"E:\expresstools\bkexpvssw.bat\" -log" /ru SYSTEM
rem *** remove old SR add add new SR
schtasks /Delete /tn "Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore\SR" /F
schtasks /Create /XML sr.xml /tn "Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore\SR"
rem view volume id use volumelist.bat output vollist.txt
rem *** don't forget cahnge volume id at bkexpvssd.bat bkexpvssw.bat ***
mountvol q: \?\Volume{35e857de-6db8-4582-bd58-4b0e531a7d8e}\
md q:\bkexp-d
md q:\bkexp-w
mountvol q: /D



					rem Volume id use volumelist.bat and put to line 2
mountvol Q: \\?\Volume{FE518032-8B39-46BD-BA8E-E9E74915AA39}\
rem change Express to correct Drive\path
robocopy E:\account\EXPRESSI Q:\bkexp-d\EXPRESSI /xo /s /r:1 /w:1 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /nc /ns /np
mountvol Q: /D


					rem Volume id use volumelist.bat and put to line 2
mountvol Q: \\?\Volume{FE518032-8B39-46BD-BA8E-E9E74915AA39}\
rem change Express to correct Drive\path
robocopy E:\account\EXPRESSI Q:\bkexp-w\EXPRESSI /xo /s /r:1 /w:1 /nfl /ndl /njh /njs /nc /ns /np
mountvol Q: /D
					<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.6" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">
<Source>Microsoft Corporation</Source>
<Author>Microsoft Corporation</Author>
<Description>This task creates regular system protection points.</Description>
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">